B2B companies in Denmark

B2B means business-to-business which covers trade between companies. Many products go through the B2B segment before ending up with the consumer.

B2B virksomheder

B2B companies


Hvad er en B2B virksomhed

What is a B2B business

B2B sales
B2B companies
B2B customers
B2B products
B2B market

B2B salg

B2B sales

B2B markedet

B2B market

B2B products


B2B customers


LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 500 million users. It's a network where it's all about networking, and you can get a lot of new B2B customers. In addition, B2B companies can also lead among the users to see who qualifies for a possible position. It is an obvious medium for B2B companies to use, as you can reach a lot of people who are professionally interested in the same thing.

Therefore, it is also obvious to be marketed on LinkedIn. In this way, you can expand your professional network, which provides the opportunity to find both new employees and B2B customers.

B2B products


B2B sales

B2B customer behavior

It is really important to have an understanding of the behavior of your B2B customers. How consumers behave online, among other things, will have a very big impact on how best to make them aware of their B2B products. Therefore, it also pays to have a customer behavior analysis and b2b purchase behavior analysis done.

Once you have mastered customer behavior, you can model your marketing to suit them. This will increase the chance of getting increased B2B sales through already existing customers, while at the same time attracting new B2B customers.

B2B market

b2b segmentation
b2b analysis
b2b buying behavior


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